بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of the Most Merciful, I would like to start this post.
Alright, as been mentioned before, I have made my decision to devote myself as a teacher. So, we have been exposed to many theories by Western and Islamic philosophers to be applied in our teaching and learning sessions in our class soon, insyaAllah.
Basically, there are three learning theories that we have learned, which are :
1) Behaviorism
2) Cognitivism
3) Constructivism
- Behaviorist used the concept of 'blackbox' for the students which means that they have no basic knowledge.
-They use the method of 'punishment+reward' for the student.
-There is also the usage of repitition in the learning process in this theory.
-The behaviorist for this theory are Pavlov, Skinner and Bloom.
#As a teacher, we can always apply this theory by using the 'punishment+reward' for the students during our teaching. For example, during the English class, after the particular lesson being taught on that day, the teacher can give a very simple exercise to test their comprehension on the lesson and then for those who manage to answer all correctly, they will be given some candies and for those who make the mistakes more than three will have to do corrections by repeating the answer for 10 times.
-Unlike behaviorist, cognitivist does not use the concept of 'blackbox'.
-They believed that the students have schemata which is the background knowledge before they enter the class.
-Piaget is one of the cognitivists who used this theory.
#As teachers, we can always make an interesting induction set by asking questions for the students about the background knowledge that they might have relate to what they are going to learn on that day. This method can actualy stimulate the student's interest and confidence before they start to go through the lessons.
-Constructivist also does not use the concept of 'blackbox'.
-It is all about to create new ideas or develop something new of the students.
-Some of the constructivist are Bruner and John Dewey.
#As a good teacher, we should always give the chance to the students to create the own genuine new idea so that we can discover their covert personality and talents. For example, before the lesson ends, the teacher can call out the students to make a role play in groups to make them revise their lesson on that day. More, during Science class, the students can be given the opportunity to recreate their own experiments or their new inventions.
::F O O T N O T E::
- Although it is believed that each of the theories do have its own benefits and weaknesses in our education field, we should always try to embed and combine all of the theories during our teaching sessions soon so that our lessons would be effective yet interactive. Good luck! :)
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